
Support The Gift House
The Gift House is a registered 501c3 organization.  We also rely on your donations to provide our programs and services.  All donations are tax deductible (cash, items or services).   On items, check, or service donations, The Gift House will provide a letter of acknowledgement to be used on your tax return. Thanks for your help!

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HIV Counseling & Testing
Get tested! No blood draw is required: only a cheek swab.  If you prefer blood test we also can provide it.

 Syphilis Test
Blood draw is required.

 Urine test for Gonorrhea & Chlamydia
Urine sample for these Sexually Transmitted Infections.

 Hepatitis C
Viral Hepatitis education and testing done finger stick to get a blood sample.

5-Panel Drug test

Pregnancy test


  Oct 18, 2010

Posted By Bill Hill


Gift House and 24th Ward Alderwoman Sharon Denise Dixon Fighting HIV On The Frontline

The first known cases of HIV in the United States occurred in the early 1980’s. As a result, large numbers of gay men in San Francisco and New York suddenly began to develop rare opportunistic infections and cancers developed that seemed stubbornly resistant to any conventional medical treatment. “Now over twenty years later, African Americans represents more than fifty percent of the new diagnosed cases of HIV/AIDS in the United States, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In spite of the many health departments HIV awareness campaign ads HIV rates in Chicago continues to augment. In many black communities such as, North Lawndale, Garfield, Austin, and Englewood HIV along with other STD’s are on the rise”, said Gift House’s Executive Director Bruce Jackson, MPH, MEd.

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  July 8, 2010

Posted By Tanisha Davenport


Get Tested at The Gift House and Save Lives

Did you know, that the thought of people living with HIV in the U.S is more than one million, and more than half a million have died after developing AIDS?

According to there are around 31.3 million adults and 2.1 million children living with the HIV virus in the world at the end of 2008. You can never tell who has the HIV virus just by looking at them.

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